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Tag: indyref

Where to best experience the Scottish Independence Referendum in Glasgow?

Being an aspiring historian and very interested in all things Scottish, I don’t want to miss out on what is quite possibly  going to be an historic moment: the Scottish Independence Referendum. So with only 99 days to go before Thursday 18 September, I started making arrangements for a trip to Glasgow during that week.

Apparently polling stations will open until 10pm. Should I expect any to see results that same night already, or only the next day?

And when the results do come in, what would be a the perfect place to watch them in Glasgow? I usually avoid pubs with big screens, but I suppose almost anything will nicer than just watching the telly in my hostel room. 🙂 I’d prefer a place that isn’t specifically tied to any political party, although — being kilted and all — I will probably fit in better with crowd that mainly voted yes…

So, any suggestions, yesscotlandayeforscotlandindyrefglasgowfoodie, l-aoreilly, fuckyeahglasgow, oh-glasgow or anyone else?