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Tag: Glasgow

Off to Glasgow again!

After all this preparation and anticipation, I’m finally on my way to Glasgow again! This time I’m travelling with my girlfriend, which will make the trip even more enjoyable.
Our Megabus arrived quite on time, is not too full, the power plug is working—unlike the USB plug—and it’s only a little bit too warm. I’ve had worse. 😉

Caledonian Sleeper Train – part 2

Well, it seems my trip with the Caledonian Sleeper will not be happening in the foreseeable future…

I’ve been warned that foreign cards wouldn’t work to order the berths I wanted, so I tried to get a British debet card. But apparently the Scottish bank in Brussels is not really for normal accounts, and banks in Scotland require you to actually live there to open an account. So this morning, when the Bargain Berths for the dates I’d like to book became available, I tried to book them with my Belgian credit cards anyway — I had some luck with them before — but:


Fine, just use a Fastticket machine then, you’d say? Well, unfortunately Bargain Berths are only sold as Print@Home tickets! Strangely enough, in their explanation about those Print@Home tickets they mention ‘overseas customers’. As long as those ‘overseas customers’ have British credit card then, I guess…


So, unless ScotRail introduces a payment system fit for customers worldwide, no Caledonian Sleeper for me. 🙁
Hopefully Serco — who will be taking over the service in 2015 — will have some berths or ’Pod Flatbeds‘ available for an interesting price AND better payment options!


But until that time: Megabus Gold, prepare a bunk bed for me! 🙂


Where to best experience the Scottish Independence Referendum in Glasgow?

Being an aspiring historian and very interested in all things Scottish, I don’t want to miss out on what is quite possibly  going to be an historic moment: the Scottish Independence Referendum. So with only 99 days to go before Thursday 18 September, I started making arrangements for a trip to Glasgow during that week.

Apparently polling stations will open until 10pm. Should I expect any to see results that same night already, or only the next day?

And when the results do come in, what would be a the perfect place to watch them in Glasgow? I usually avoid pubs with big screens, but I suppose almost anything will nicer than just watching the telly in my hostel room. 🙂 I’d prefer a place that isn’t specifically tied to any political party, although — being kilted and all — I will probably fit in better with crowd that mainly voted yes…

So, any suggestions, yesscotlandayeforscotlandindyrefglasgowfoodie, l-aoreilly, fuckyeahglasgow, oh-glasgow or anyone else?