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Tag: PT201802

Prague Trip

And off we go! This time, a four part, eleven hour — but ridiculously cheap — train journey will take us to Prague.

A €21 train ride to Prague…

Made all our connections — although the last one was tighter than planned — so we’re now on the final stretch to Prague. Enjoying our first views of the Czech countryside, while the sun sets…

Praha – Příjezd a předvečer

We arrived in Prague perfectly on time, so — after an explanation half in Czech — we could leave our stuff at the AirBnB, and go for dinner. Kantýna proved to be the perfect choice after such a long day, providing us us with plenty of proteins. After that, we had to start visiting the craft beer bars in Prague, since there are so many of them…

Praha – 1. den

As usual, we spent part of the first day on a tour bus. Halfway we got out to visit Prague Castle, which — not surprisingly, considering it’s one of the largest castles of Europe — took us a good part of the day.

Praha – 2. den

Second day: Museum of Prague City, coffee at EMA Espresso Bar, leisurely strolling in the city centre, and a visit to the Apple museum. Some beers as well of course, at BeerGeek, although there didn’t seem to be a lot of Czech people there…