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Tag: BT201607

Arrival in Glasgow

Arrived in Glasgow with a little delay, so we quickly checked into the hostel to shower and change. Headed to the very hot Merchant Chippie for some battered haddock, haggis, and chips.

We needed to cool down after that, so we had a couple of beers at Drygate. We finished the first evening at the DogHouse, BrewDog’s only restaurant at the moment, but luckily just a bar as well. Another BrewDog location to check off our list!

Morning Well Spent

Morning well spent: Provand’s Lordship, coffee at the Brew Box Coffee TARDIS, an animal mummy exhibition at the Kelvingrove, concluded with a cheese steak sandwich at Roast.

Advanced Beer School

In the afternoon, we went to Brewdog Glasgow for a couple of drinks and an Advanced Beer School. Megan taught us about off-flavours, hops, food pairing and more.

Spare Kilt?

Any skinny MacLarens looking for s spare kilt? There’s one now at Mr. Ben! Quite a few moth holes though…


After a short train ride from Glasgow, we had two hours in Stirling before our bus would leave. We had a quick look at the castle of course, but spent most of our time in BrewDog Stirling, apparently one of the newest additions to the chain.