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Month: July 2016

Arrival in Glasgow

Arrived in Glasgow with a little delay, so we quickly checked into the hostel to shower and change. Headed to the very hot Merchant Chippie for some battered haddock, haggis, and chips.

We needed to cool down after that, so we had a couple of beers at Drygate. We finished the first evening at the DogHouse, BrewDog’s only restaurant at the moment, but luckily just a bar as well. Another BrewDog location to check off our list!

Stopover in London

Shortest visit to London to date: after a timely arrival at St Pancras Station, we had a Malay lunch at Roti King, then a quick pint at the Euston Tap, before boarding our train to Glasgow again.

We narrowly escaped overheating, since apparently the AC in some of the other coaches wasn’t working…